Tuesday, April 25, 2006

johnny starks enterprises

late night at johnny starks enterprises,
a major operation is taking place...

"hey...that's soul right there. don't touch that radio."

"Fuck You."

"what you just say?"

"shut the fuck up."

"come here...come here before i beat your little ass, you little sucker."

"get your ass off the couch."

"what did i tell you about turnin' that? it's my couch. your moms know you talk like that, huh?"

"you're not my daddy."

"i'll knock your daddy out. what's wrong with you?"

"he'll fuck you up."

"punk ass daddy. you sure got a little...you got a lot of problems, you know that little boy?"

"is everything okay in there?"

"yeah everything's all right in here. we're just chillin'. can i get some water?"

"ok...just checking."

"back to you, you little motherfucker. i should just pinch your ass."

"you motherfucker."

"i'm gonna pinch the shit outta you. i'm gonna get my son to fuck you up."

"bitch ass cracker. eat a dick."

"eat a dick, huh. that's how you feel, huh? you motherfuckers don't get beat no more. that's what it is. your parents don't bust your motherfuckin' asses. but let me tell you something...i'm gonna take this fuckin' belt off and i'm gonna whip your motherfuckin' ass myself, you little bastard."

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

cabman #2

“so what are you doing now?”

“i’m driving a cab.”

“you drive a cab?”



“yeah…it’s alright. i mean, it’s certainly a change of pace, a change of scenery. different mindset. i like it.”

“you like it?”

“yeah, motherfucker, i like it.”

“sure you do. so is this like a Yellow Cab or what?”

“no, it’s not yellow.”


“naw…it’s this old silver limo. a lot of my runs are from the airport to downtown. vice-versa. it’s a little classier than a regular cab, i guess.”

“what’s the name of the company?”

“i’d rather not go into that.”


“sixty dollars plus tip is the cab fee…that airport run. i get some crazy riders in there. it’s a cool job. someone said something like you haven’t lived until you’ve worked as a cab driver or a bartender. i think it was ‘lived.’ maybe it was ‘worked.’ anyway…it’s cool. sometimes some crazy shit, ya know. like last week, i had michael keaton.”

“you had him?”

“yeah man.”

“in the Biblical sense?”

“no. i picked him up at the airport, and then i was taking him to the stadium for some kind of interview and then the pirates' game. he was throwing out the first pitch, i think. then to the hilton. i was supposed to drive for him while he was here.”

“supposed to?”



“well what?”

“well what the fuck happened? ‘supposed to.’ what happened? why didn’t you drive him.”

“i did.”

“you just said you didn’t.”

“i did not. i said i was supposed to drive for him while he was here. i didn’t stay on the whole time.”

“why not?”

“problems, man, problems. i mean…everything was cool. i picked him up at the airport. he introduced himself like, ‘i’m batman.’ started laughing, real corny. he seemed okay. he talked a little on his cell phone. talked to me about growing up here. about LA. real hollywood shit. whatever, ya know. so, i picked him up and took him to the game. i had to wait…walked around on the north side, bought some drugs, ate a sandwich. you know, and then it was back to the hilton.”


“yeah, so…when we got back to the hilton, i popped the trunk on the cab…”

“i thought it was a limo.”

“yeah, it is. the limo. cab. whatever. what the fuck was i saying?”

“the trunk.”

“what? oh. yeah…so i popped the trunk and let the little bellhops monkey around with his bags. and i was like ‘hey, batman, how about something, you know, for the effort.’ and he gets all michael keaton on me. movin’ his eyebrows and buggin’ his eyes out and shit. ‘well, ah…a tip…ah…jeez…ah…’ patting his pockets down. you know, lookin’ all perplexed and shit. kinda like reverend jim on Taxi.”


“not important. so anyway…i get to thinkin’ that keaton’s gonna stiff me on the tip, right. he says ‘a tip? hey…i…ummm…i’ll get you some stuff. autographs. memorabilia. e-bay. you know. i’ll be seeing you around later. you’re my driver here in the ‘burgh, right? OKAY!!!’ and i just kinda nod, just lookin’ at this cheap motherfucker. i mean, come on, right? he’s a fuckin’ millionaire. i’m pissed.”

“is he?”

“i guess so…fuckin’ batman, right?”

“learn to fuckin’ type.”


“a tip? please. that’s offensive. why don’t you just get a styrofoam cup and spare for change on Liberty?”

“whatever…so keaton. he’s all like smiling at me after he tells me he’s about to stiff me, or give me some cheap movie promo shit. fuck that. and then in an instant, his face gets all serious, and he thrusts a fist out at me.”

“a fist?”


“he punched you?”

“yeah…i mean, no. he didn’t. he didn’t punch me. he just wanted a pound or to bump fists or whatever it is those rap guys call it.”

“michael keaton’s a rap guy?”

“right! i definitely didn’t think so. and when he got all serious and threw out his fist, i thought he was about to punch me. natural reaction. a reflex. and when he got all serious like that and put his fist out…”

“you thought he was trying to punch you.”

“i thought he was trying to punch me.”


“you know…i clocked that motherfucker.”

“you punched him?”

“yeah man.”

“that’s nice. that’s real fuckin’ classy.”

“laid him out.”


“come on…who expects keaton to get all ‘source awards’ up in here?”

“certainly not you.”

“of course i didn’t.”

“you’re lying.”

“i’m lying? i’m lying? ok. i got his autograph out in the car, some posters, and this yellow plastic thing that he says was his utility belt in the movie.”

“no shit?”

“no shit. and you can ask your girl about my batwings.”

Monday, April 17, 2006

i am the decider

Thursday, April 13, 2006

something wicked this way comes

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

all the way live #11

hasn’t been a whole lot in the way of shows passing through the pittsburgh metropolitan area as of late. but like the biz says, it’s spring again, and i’m sure a few will be rolling through.

it’s times like these that take me back to my youth…when james brown samples was the new shit, like cool j on some krush groove shit, dapper dan shit, ms. pac-man shit, that's when rakim ran shit.

we must have been around 11, the Doktor and i, when we made that trek with our fifth-grade class to see the musical production of The Wiz.

yes it is a musical.

hey fuck you…i thought that shit was wildly entertaining. all smoke and crazy sunglasses, and that bitch dorothy. right after the show was over, toto bugged the fuck out with all the applause, i guess, and ran from the stage when the cast was taking a bow, scurried up the aisle, down the steps, out the door, and right into traffic. got run over by a fire truck.


but back before all that, when we were still in our classroom waiting for the bus, the Doktor leans over to me, and he’s all like, “hey, you know how you got crabs?”

and i’m all like, “i don’t like shellfish.” i do now, but i didn’t then. what do you want? i was in fifth grade.

and he’s all like, “no…crabs…creepy crawlers…crawlin’ on your nutsack. crabs.”

“oh…you have craps?”



“on your nuts.”

“crabs live in water.”

“no, buttsniffer, crabs! you get them…i don’t know. they’re like little bugs. they live on your balls.”

“that’s nasty.”

“yeah…you know how you got ‘em?”

“are they like fleas?”

“i don’t know…i guess.”



“yeah man…you can keep them like pets. like a flea circus,” i said. “i want some crabs. i would teach them to do cool stuff.”

“like what?”

“i don’t know…ride a bike, walk a tightrope…lift some barbells. you know, flea circus stuff.”


“yeah man.”


“yeah sure thing, sister mary elephant.”

“what were we talking about?” the Doktor said.

“i don’t know.”

“oh yeah…my cousin…he got crabs. he told me if you take a white washcloth and wet it and put it on your balls, if you see little black spots on it, that means you have crabs.”

“so.” i didn’t realize how handy that info would be until about eight years later. “that’s nothing…guess what my cousin taught me how to do?”


“go get me some sawdust from the pencil sharpener.”


“oooooo no…don’t do that.”

“alright, watch this,” i said, and proceeded to roll up this fat, pregnant joint with a piece of notebook paper and sawdust from the pencil sharpener.

“what’s that?”

“it’s a joint.”


“a joint. one of those funny cigarettes. a jazz stick. a bone. a nicky j. a doober. you know, a joint.”

“cool. what do you do with it?”

“light it.”

“cool…i got some matchsticks.”

“gimme one.”

i lit it and the fucker went up in flames, burned my fingers…i didn’t wanna let the teacher know what was going on, since she seemed to be all wrapped up with her coffee and this wet block of cheese she had stashed in her desk, so i did the only rational thing at that point…i threw it in my desk. it didn’t really start to smolder until the bus arrived. when we got back from The Wiz, the school had burned completely to the ground. man, that was the best field trip ever.