Sunday, May 01, 2005

one hit

saul williams – list of demands

this cat was supposed to open up for the Mars Volta when they did the lambada in town a few years back…but he was nowhere to be found. i knew he was a poet and had written a book with one of the coolest titles – said the shotgun to the head – so i just figured he was gonna be doing a reading or something.

i didn’t know he had his own musical thing going on…

this tune would sound perfectly at home on a TV on the Radio album. electronical and harsh, drums at the forefront in a punk rock kinda way. his voice is strangely irritating and compelling at the same time, and the song is kinda catchy in [again] a hardcore punk kinda way. but it’s not what you’re thinking of when you hear punk rock…and if you’re a moron the way the doktor is when it comes to punk rock, you think it’s something you can find at the mall.

but i digress…apart from the line about god crying because her diaper’s wet, some fine lines. dig it:

“i got a list of demands / written on the palm of my hand / i ball my fist and you gon’ know where i stand… call the police! / i'm strapped to the teeth and liable to disregard your every belief / call on the law! / i'm fixin' to draw a line between what is and seems and call up a brawl…”

it’s real pissed sounding and could be equally applicable to the current state of affairs in our country, your slave-drivin’ boss, or any other jackass who’s breathing down your neck. it reminds me of that time i was in line at the bank and this girl came in with a ski mask on, screamin’ about reparations and white devils. man…it was so much fun to help her rob the place that day…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...or better yet...hey everyone! you could be like the doktor and hide the drugs up your ass EASIER with some KY!!!

~ mr. Natural

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MMMMMMMM! drugs from the bum!

Hey Dok, is that a chocolate covered oxy you got there?...I'll take two please!


7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


corn nuts!

anyone up for some stink nuggets?

8:11 PM  

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