QUESTION: Mr. St. Clair, what would you like to say to the global internet community?
CLICK THIS to hear his reply.
2004 - 2007
QUESTION: Mr. St. Clair, what would you like to say to the global internet community?
CLICK THIS to hear his reply.
hats off mr. stclair.
bust a nut laughing. thx 4 the
quick update. dammitt boy!
get my email? love ya
why, yes.
yes i did get your email.
i'll tell you this: the lovely little note that accompanied the pics truly set it apart from the normal flood of pornography that fills my inbox.
so, in response to your questions...
1. sure, the pre-op and post-op pictures look great.
2. no, thank you, but i'm flattered nevertheless.
3. that's the spirit. never give up. i'm sure it would be hard to tell the difference in the dark. you could even find a nice blind person, i suppose. or, perhaps, someone who's lost the ability to smell.
I watched Johnny, today, deny who he was! He denied it!
Johnny St. Clair everybody! Johnny St. Clair...
Like when the guy had the frog on Looney Tunes.
For shame!
dammitt boy! my secret id has been
revealed. dok is a dark perverted
swine of a man....
the company he keeps is darker.
do appreciate your sense of humor & shitty writing.
nothing quite like the sound of
and crickets, and date rape.
Well, it looks like you're out of the closet... again.
Filthy, dirty, and stoopid. You could've hidden it better.
Hidin this from you since 2004.
Keepin it secret since 2004.
On the downlow since 2004.
You know, fuck off.
I don' have time for this.
shitty writing?
i...i don't know what to say. it's just...
i've always thought of myself as more of a typer. but a "writer?"
oh my. thank you so very much.
and as for the stoned honky jibberish that Doktor is tryin' to lay on you all about st. clair denying his name...what kind of fool would reveal himself in such a clutch of snakes? he saw it. the mere mention of the name "st. clair" whipped that crowd into some strange kind of atavistic fury! they would have had at me, torn me limb from limb, while the Doktor sat back licking his haunches and laughing like a hyena.
i was studying the enemy. i live to fight again.
i will rise,
and death will be in my eyes.
dammitt boy! say it LOUD!
I'm Stclair & i'm proud!
btw cant wait for you to see my fancy new vagina.
i could've come out on Oprah, but noooo. not me.
you should feel honored......
and a little horny.
your shopping list for today
2)fresh vegetables
4)used penis
5)pointless blogging for dummies
Love ya jackass
get it right
it's used veggies, fresh vadge.
you know what, you reminded me of is national coming out day.
you go, girl.
all apologies to my sizable gay readership.
1. Author
2. dammitboy
3. Author (cause you're THAT Damn gay!)
dammitboy is nowhere near as gay as dok,
except for that night in alabama...
nuff said.
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